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Ebisuya hot spring

Our hot spring in Myouban Onsen is a special & unique quality.

We have 2 types quality , simple type & sulfer type hot spring. Each water has a carbon dioxide gas a little, so It has the effect to spread the capillaries , lower blood pressure.


As other effects : 

Sulfer type (milky white):  Fatigue recovery, Healing of Skin disease,heat rash,injury...

Simple type(clear) : Fatigue , stress and health promotion...


Beauty effects:

First, please clean the dead skin drop in the sulfer spring and then take a simple spring, so your skin will be very smooth.



1F  風と歩く石畳 Stone pavement with wind


Open air bath floor.

2F 石の小道と癒しの洞窟 Stone path & cave for relux


 Indoor & half open air floor

3F 天空の癒し  Space in the sky 〜 healing room


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